For individuals born in the Year of the Rabbit, 2024 will see a slight improvement in fortune compared to the previous year, despite still facing some challenges. However, the influence of the “Hai Tai Sui” still exists, so those born in the Year of the Rabbit need to be cautious when dealing with possible unexpected changes. Fortunately, the Rabbit's mental state will remain excellent this year, allowing them to overcome challenges and excel in their careers or job search, especially in unfamiliar territories.

However, the year of the Dragon is accompanied by the appearance of ominous stars, so while working hard to develop plans, Rabbit individuals need to stay grounded and not rush into things while working on their plans. It is advised to stay determined and avoid letting psychological factors hinder progress.

In terms of investment and career development, the most prosperous month in the year of the Dragon is the sixth lunar month, while the worst months are the first and twelfth lunar months. Therefore, it is advisable to be cautious during these two unlucky months. Keep in mind that carefulness is crucial throughout the year to navigate through unexpected circumstances.

Click on the image to learn about the 2024 transit jewelry.